Causes of Toothaches and Possible Dental Treatments in Pasadena CA
Toothaches are usually the result of tooth trauma or a dental condition, such as a cracked tooth, dental cavity, advanced gum disease, an exposed tooth root, or disorders of the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint). The severity of the pain can be mild, sharp, or excruciating, and can vary in occurrence, from periodic to chronic. Causes …
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Tooth Abscess Treatment Near Me in Pasadena CA
An abscessed or infected tooth is a dental problem caused by bacteria penetrating through your tooth enamel and dentin to reach the pulp (pulpitis), such that pus begins to collect within. It can also occur when bacteria gets trapped in deep gum pockets. This results in a number of unpleasant symptoms, including: Types of tooth …
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What to Expect During Teeth Whitening Treatment | Pasadena CA
Your smile may gradually lose its sparkle regardless of how thorough your oral hygiene routine is. Although brushing and flossing your teeth every day and scheduling professional teeth cleaning visits can help to prevent stains, factors such as aging, smoking, and consuming wine, tea, coffee, and other colored foods and drinks can contribute to the …
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Tooth Abscess Pain Relief & Dental Treatment in Pasadena CA
Infected teeth are caused by bacteria penetrating through your tooth enamel and dentin into the pulp space to cause an abscess (pulpitis), such that pus begins to collect within. It can also occur when bacteria gets trapped in deep gum pockets. This results in a number of unpleasant symptoms, including: Types of tooth abscesses If …
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Dental Crowns Cost in Pasadena CA
Although fillings and crowns seem to treat similar kinds of tooth damage – chips and fractures – dental crowns provide a stronger and more durable restoration. Crowns also help to strengthen severely weakened teeth that may otherwise need to be extracted, which makes the treatment more expensive compared to dental fillings. Here are some reasons …
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Teeth Cleaning & Dental Exams in Pasadena CA
Dental cleaning is a simple, painless, and non-invasive preventive dental procedure that seeks to reduce the risk of dental issues such as cavities, gum disease, and bad breath by removing built-up plaque and tartar. Patients often experience some mild vibrations, cooling mist of liquid, and a bit of pressure during scraping, though this doesn’t cause …
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Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Improve Your Confidence in Pasadena CA
There are many cosmetic dental procedures available to you today that can improve your smile. A simple change in your smile, such as aligning teeth or repairing chipped teeth with veneers, can make a huge difference in the way you look and feel about yourself. It also changes how others perceive you! Cosmetic dentistry aims …
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Cosmetic Dentist Near Me, Pasadena CA
Cosmetic dentistry offers a way for you to improve your smile via varying cosmetic dental procedures. Even a subtle change to your smile can make a huge difference in the way you look, the way you feel about yourself, and the way others perceive you. Your smile plays a big part in your appearance. It …
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When Do I Need White, Tooth-Colored Fillings? Pasadena CA
Tooth-colored fillings are used to treat cavities or weakened teeth. To get a tooth-colored filling, your dentist chooses a material that matches the shade of your natural teeth when filling the cavity. This allows you to discreetly repair your teeth and restore them to their full form and function, while enhancing the beauty of your …
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Dental Crowns FAQs in Pasadena CA
A dental crown, also known as a tooth cap, is used to strengthen a tooth’s structure, return its normal size, shape, and function, and/or improve its appearance. A tooth crowned fully covers the visible part of the tooth above the gum line, resulting in a new outer surface. Common Applications of Dental Crowns A dental …
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